FlexShooter is the world's first spring-loaded ball head to balance your kit perfectly. FlexShooter balances any lens from 6mm to 600m. It's stable yet ready to react in an instant. Perfect for DSLR and Mirrorless systems.
Pro Black Edition with lever clamp
The Flexshooter's unique precision engineered double ball head allows you to shoot with total flexibility and stability no matter what kit you use. Landscape photographer? No problem. Wildlife photographer? No problem we got you!
Shoot level horizons with one simple setting, then pan freely with our weightless support, no more floppy lenses here!
This Pro Black Edition features the all new levered clamp which replaces the original black locking knob. It's designed for those photographers who either work in dark environments or need to make adjustments with cold hands. It's a beautifully engineered lever that allows you to lock your lens / camera securely into place with just a quick twist.
The Pro Black Edition has the outside ball (the one used for levelling) in a matt black finish for those who want to avoid being noticed!
The next generation heads utilise the patented spring counter-balance system to hold long lenses and a wide range of kit weightlessly in place.
No more locking up your tripod head and having your precious composition vanish out of the frame, Flexshooter heads hold your kit in place without the need to lock them up.
Flexshooter heads allow to you quickly and reliably set a level horizon with the large ball so that the smaller ball can be used to control the motion in a single plane, i.e. no floppy lenses.
The main head sits in a plastic collar so it's friction can be easily adjusted to suit the gear used and the individual photographers preferences.
The head is very low profile which is great for low angle shooting, but it also minimises all vibrations as the lens / camera is close to the tripod.
All of our heads are precision engineered in Europe and we are very proud of that. They are a patented design and proven the world over.
Our new Levered clamp allows much quicker mounting of your kit, perhaps when space is limited or you are using gloved hands. It's cool and is available in Black, Silver and Mini Arca editions.
Pro heads weigh only 0.6KG , ithe Mini Arca is only 0.48KG ,so both are very light and can be collapsed so they transport easily in any photo rucksack.